WallBuddy Wall Sticker

WallBuddy™ Wall Stickers are a great inclusivity tool for making everyone feel welcome in your school. Use it for group photos, or for taking pictures to recognize students and staff for their accomplishments and contributions.

Wall Buddy Stickers Mascot Gym
WallBuddy™ Wall Sticker Mascot Cougar
Dry Erase Voice Bubbl
Use the dry erase voice bubble to recognize students, staff or teams for their accomplishments, or to create a custom welcome message for special occassions.
WallBuddy Installation
WallBuddy Wall Stickers are fast and easy to install.

Size and price vary, according to your mascot. Please e-mail info@mascotjunction.com to request a quote. You can get a WallBuddy of one our our kid-friendly mascots, or we can make a custom version using your existing mascot. Indoor and outdoor versions are available.