Discover new ways to use your school mascot to support your PBIS program. Mascot Junction customizes all these products with your school mascot, and details from your school’s PBIS program.

Use your school mascot in PBIS posters, banners, signs and other visual aids to create a strong sense of community.
Mascot Junction has more than 80 kid-friendly mascots. Each with more than 80 clip art images. Many of the clip art illustrations portray positive behaviors like “respect, responsibility, safety” and others. We use these images to create engaging posters, banners and other visual aids to help you create a highly engaging school climate around your mascot, and your PBIS program.
A mascot-centric school climate creates a solid foundation for teach positive behavior and helping student learn social skills. Every child wants to have friends and enjoy social success inside the group they self-identify with. To be a tiger, lion or eagle, is an important part of a child’s school-related experience. It’s highly visual, easy to understand, and very engaging. “Eagle Rules” are much better than “behavioral expectations of the student body attending John Smith Elementary School of the 4th District…” You get the idea. When everything is expressed in terms of the mascot’s world, everything becomes fun, colorful and easy-to-understand.