FREE Gotcha Rewards Money Templates
Choose from more than 100 mascots.
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Editable Powerpoint templates come in $1, $5, $10, $20 and $50 denominations, plus 3 foldable wallet designs to help kids keep their mascot money organized.

Use this Gotcha Reward Wallet to teach kids how to manage money and be responsible.
Teach students how to be responsible with money, and learn organizational skills with a Gotcha Reward Wallet Pack. Each Pack includes three wallet designs, and five editable gotcha reward (mascot money) templates - one for each of the denominations: $1, $5, $10, $20 and $50. Wallets and dollar bills feature your school mascot, and are set up for convenient printing on letter-sized sheets of paper. The wallets are designed to be colored and customized. The student writes their name in a space on the outside of the wallet. On the inside, there is room for them to fill out an identity card with information like their address and phone number. Six charge card spaces are allotted for writing in the behaviors of your school's PBIS program, and/or your PBIS theme or motto.
Gotcha Rewards/Wallets feature STANDARD, not CUSTOMIZED, mascots. Customized mascots are those featuring your logo/wording on their chest and clothing that is customized in your school colors.