Month: November 2016

Mascot Money for PBIS Schools

Learn how creating a mascot-centric climate can make students feel like they are part of something very special. It’s very engaging. Students identify with their mascot. They are part of the mascot community. There are mascot rules, and a mascot way of doing things. There is a mascot code of conduct, and members of the mascot community are expected to behave certain ways. As the educator in charge of your school mascot, you determine what behaviors and expectations are espoused as part of the school culture. Respect, responsibility, safety, tolerance, empathy, loyalty, determination and integrity are just a few popular expectations for PBIS and character education programs.

Mascot Money PBIS Schools

Consider an eagle mascot as an example. It means something very special when you tell a child, “Congratulations! You are now an eagle. You have eagle friends, and are part of our eagle community. We have eagle rules and and eagle way of doing things. So when it comes time to make a decision, simply thing of what an eagle would do, and you’ll make a good decision, get a good result and end up having a good time. So put on your best eagle smile because every day is a GREAT day to be an eagle!”

The eagle bucks mascot money template is just part of an overall program for helping you create a highly engaging school climate around this community. Mascot Junction provides schools with comprehensive Roll Out Kits that include posters, banners, signs, coloring sheets, t-shirts and even mascot costumes to help you bring your mascot-centric climate to life.

Start by finding and downloading the FREE mascot money template for your school mascot. Then download one of our catalogs and let your imagination run wild with possibilities!

